6 Reasons Why Vegetables Deserve Half Your Plate

6 Reasons Why Vegetables Deserve Half Your Plate

Vegetables! When it comes to healthy eating we hear so much about vegetables. But, the science is clear and undisputed, vegetables deserve the spotlight. Make half of every meal colorful vegetables and here’s what you will get in return.


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Baby's First Foods

Baby's First Foods

Introducing solid foods to your baby is an exciting time. There is a whole world of food experiences that lay ahead – so many flavors and textures to try! So, where to start? For a long time, it was a forgone conclusion that babies would start with rice cereal. After all, a majority of pediatricians recommended it because the thinking was that rice cereal was an easy to digest food, unlikely to cause an allergic reaction, yet still provided a good source of iron. But is that still the right approach?

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14 Steps To Reduce Food Waste

14 Steps To Reduce Food Waste

America has one of the most abundant food supplies in the world. Despite this, around 48 million Americans do not have reliable access to enough affordable, nutritious food to meet their daily needs. In addition, one in seven people in the United States struggles with hunger. So why, in a country that produces so much food, are so many people hungry? And what can you do to prevent food waste? Read on to find out.

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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Eggs

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Eggs

During the 1990’s, dietary cholesterol became associated with the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular disease, which today remains the number one cause of death in the United States. The egg contains 185 mg of cholesterol, more than half of the recommended daily allowance (RDA), and quickly became the face of the anti-cholesterol movement. Although recent studies have been unable to prove a link between egg intake and cardiovascular disease, the public perception has persisted.

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Vegetarian Diets and Chronic Kidney Disease

Vegetarian Diets and Chronic Kidney Disease

Having chronic kidney disease (CKD) requires that you be aware of your dietary choices in order to receive the nutrition that you need while being sensitive to the limitations of your hard-working kidneys. For those individuals interested in a vegetarian diet, you may have additional concerns about whether this eating pattern is appropriate for you. CKD patients often learn that they may need to limit their protein intake, as well as their intake of many other staples of a vegetarian diet, such as certain fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and dairy products. This may lead you to conclude that perhaps a vegetarian diet is not advisable for those with chronic kidney disease. In fact, with careful planning a vegetarian diet is not only possible, but may help to retain kidney function and slow down the progression of the disease.

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